Research grants

research grants (pI)

A new probe of multipole physics in Pr-based compounds

Approved by: Austria Science Fund (FWF)

Principal investigator (PI): Muhammad Nauman

Mentor: Professor Kimberly Modic

Grant awarded: 300,509.36€ 

Duration: Three years (May 1, 2022-August 31, 2023 & January 01, 2024-August 31, 2025)

Status: Active (Running)


Detecting multipoles comes with three main challenges: i) it is difficult to distinguish higher-order moments due to their fine angular structure ii) they are usually hampered by the magnetic dipoles iii) they have an explicit magnetic field dependence that calls for high field measurements and traditional tools such as nuclear magnetic resonance and muon spin resonance are not well-suited for field approaching 100T. We propose a specialized technique (resonant torsion magnetometry) of higher angular resolution and a material system (Pr-based cage compounds) that has a nonmagnetic (dipolar) ground state.

research grants (R & D Tasks)

Assisted in the grant titled “Physics of the magnetic layered van der Waals materials” 

PI and Co-PI: Professor Jo Younjung & Professor Choi Jai Young

Supported by: National Research Foundation (NRF) South Korea and Czech Science Foundation (GAČR) the Czech Republic.

Research Associate in R & D tasks: Muhammad Nauman

Status: Active (Running)