conferences attended
outreach/science communication
Open campus day at the Institute of science and technology Austria (Jun. 25, 2022)
“Long night of research” at the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (May 20, 2022)
“Zoom a scientist” at IST Austria for science communication with school students (2021-22)
Open campus day at the Institute of science and technology (IST) Austria (Sep. 20, 2021)
invited talks
“Detecting the hidden orders”, recent trends in natural sciences-2023 UED Jauharabad Pakistan (May 03, 2023)
“Research opportunities and importance of planning”, government postgraduate college Nowshera (January 29, 2022)
“Electron- A powerful entity to probe nature”, National center of excellence in physical chemistry Peshawar Pakistan: online webinar (October 13th, 2020)
“Career options for a STEM student and Researcher”, University of Wah Pakistan (September 23, 2021)
“Think Magnetically: Materials around you”, Real Scientists Nano (September 1st, 2021)
ARHMF 2020: Satellite Meeting for Korean Community, online Zoom meeting (December 3rd, 2020)
“Materials Science and Human civilizations”, International seminar on Advancements of research in Physics, University of Wah, Pakistan (January 2nd, 2018)
Contributory talks
“Magnetic anisotropy in 1T-TaS2”, The American Physical Society (APS) March meeting 2023, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA (March 07, 2023)
“Basal-plane anisotropy in van der Waal NiPS3”, The Korean Physical Society (KPS) Spring meeting 2020, Virtual Conference (July 14, 2020)
“Magnetic anisotropy and spin-flop transition in MnPS3”, 2020 INTERMAG, Palais des Congres in Montreal, Canada (May 08, 2020), Abstract Accepted
“Strain dependent anisotropic magnetoresistance in single crystal Sr2IrO4”, The 3rd BK21Plus Workshop for Young Physicists, High 1 Resort Jeongseon, South Korea (December 27, 2019)
“Temperature and magnetic field induced spin-flop transition in van der Waals (vdW) MnPS3”, KPS Spring meeting 2019, Daejeon convention Center (DCC), South Korea (April 25, 2019)
“Magnetic anisotropy in magnetic van der Waals (vdW) TMPS3(TM: Ni, Fe, and Mn)”, KPS Fall meeting 2018, Changwon Exhibition and convention Center (CECO), South Korea (October 26, 2018)
“In-plane magnetic anisotropy in Sr2IrO4”, KPS spring meeting 2018, Daejeon convention Center (DCC), South Korea (April 27, 2018)
“Strain dependent anisotropic magnetoresistance in single crystal strontium iridate Sr2IrO4”, APCTP-QMS 2019, Yeonpyeong resort, South Korea (February 10-15, 2019)
“Magnetic anisotropy in strontium iridate Sr2IrO4”, International Conference on Strongly Correlated electron System (SCES 2017), Clarion Congress Hotel Prague, Czech Republic (July 16-21, 2017)
“Magnetic anisotropy in strontium iridate Sr2IrO4”, The 7th BK21Plus workshop for young physicists, KENSINGTON Resort (Namwon), South Korea (July 07-08, 2017)
“Magnetic Anisotropies in iridates”, KPS Spring meeting 2017, Daejeon Convention center, South Korea (April 19-21, 2017)
“Magnetic in-plane anisotropies in iridates”, APCTP-QMS 2017, Yeonpyeong resort, South Korea (February 19-24, 2017)
“Electronic transport and magnetic Anisotropies in iridates”, KPS Fall meeting 2016, Kim Dae-Jung Convention Center Gwangju, South Korea (October 19-21, 2016)
“Electronic transport and Magnetic anisotropy in strontium iridate Sr2IrO4”, The 6th BK21Plus workshop for young physicists, Global Plaza, Kyungpook National University South Korea (August 26, 2016)
The 8th BK21Plus Workshop for Young Physicists, Daemyung resort Geoje, South Korea (August 30-31, 2018)
The BK21Plus joint workshop for young physicists, Gyeongju, South Korea (February 10-11, 2017)
Workshop on “Contemporary topics in Nano magnetism”, National Centre for Physics (NCP), QAU campus, Islamabad Pakistan (Feb 23- 26, 2015)